Our Family History and Ancestry


Hopefully you find your ancestors here. There are over 3500 individuals in over 1350 families, the result of nearly a decade of extensive research which has also resulted in a wealth of documents, photos, videos, etc. Top surnames include: Thorup, Lambourne, Carifa, Thompson, Dawley, Condit, Marino, Lacerra, Snarr, Martin, Sierman, Rasmussen, DeNonno, Fowler, Giamberardino, and many more.

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If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please donate! Genealogy research takes quite a bit of money to obtain records, subscribe to services, etc., plus costs to host this site!

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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